Janine Hansen is an Independent American
Candidate for U.S. Senate
“A republic, if you can keep it.”
I am running for U.S. Senate to provide a real choice. The Independent American Party supports the restoration of the constitutional principles in the tradition of our founders which made America a great and a good nation.
We believe in protecting the God given rights of all Americans as protected in the U.S. Constitution:
The critical freedoms of speech and assembly.
Freedom of Religion uninfringed by government.
The individual right to keep and bear arms.
The Fourth Amendment right to privacy.
Medical freedom, control over our individual medical decisions.
Parental rights to determine the upbringing of their own children.
The right to life for ourselves and our posterity.
Securing our borders.
Benjamin Franklin responded to a question from Elizabeth Willing Powel on September 17, 1787 as he was leaving the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia, “Well, Doctor, what have we got, a republic or a monarchy? He said, “A republic, if you can keep it.”
Our Republic is under assault. We have become a Socialist State with over $34 Trillion in debt. The federal government is engaged in all kinds of programs, like education, which are unconstitutional. Through federal grants and their attendant mandates…States, counties, cities, school districts have all become vassals of the federal government bureaucracy obliterating the founders’ belief in local control by local citizens.
The military industrial complex is running our foreign policy so the U.S. is continually engaged in foreign undeclared unconstitutional wars. Our military is in 170,000 countries and territories. The U.S. government does not help make the world a better place by freedom’s example, fair trade or diplomacy but by military and financial strong arming. Now the Congress is instituting an automatic draft for all young men ages 18-26 and the Senate has proposed drafting our young women as well.
The American People themselves have become the targets of our overreaching government. When we elect one twin party or the other we are promised that things will change, but whichever party is elected, we have more debt and more government which has eaten away at our liberties for decades.
The schools have become indoctrination centers destroying our youth and trashing our American values and interfering with parental rights.
We are losing our nation through the treason of open borders. Vicious criminals and terrorists have crossed our borders which makes us all vulnerable. In addition, our federal government is using tax dollars to provide all kinds of services and living expenses for these illegal immigrants who have breeched our borders.
Americans must make new choices on who will represent them in the U.S. Congress and Senate. The twin parties have failed to secure our lives, our liberties, and our families.
Vote for Janine Hansen for U.S. Senate.
Contact Janine: Janine@janinehansen.com, 775-397-6859